Francis S Hoxie, Age 113, Male


Public Records Information

Francis S Hoxie is a 113 years old. His residential address is 41 Millville Avenue 303, Naugatuck, CT 06770.

Francis S Hoxie Phone Number

Persons Associated with Address Millville Avenue, Naugatuck, CT

Amy E Santarsiero

Age 48

(203) 729-7742

Briana Lynn Desposito

Age 29

(203) 879-5372

Carla L Trombley

Age 59

(203) 723-8860

Carole Ann Baker

Age 85

(203) 720-9184

Persons With the Same Hoxie Surname

Kathy G Hoxie

Age 67

Arvid L Hoxie

Age 72

FAQ About Francis S Hoxie

How old is Francis S Hoxie?

Francis S Hoxie is 113 . He was born on Sep 16, 1911.

What is Francis S Hoxie’s address?

Francis S Hoxie’s address is listed as 41 Millville Avenue 303, Naugatuck , CT 06770, US.

Francis S Hoxie Neighbours

Amy E Santarsiero

Age 48

(203) 729-7742

Briana Lynn Desposito

Age 29

(203) 879-5372

Carla L Trombley

Age 59

(203) 723-8860

Carole Ann Baker

Age 85

(203) 720-9184