Christine B Parmar, Age 46, Female


Public Records Information

Christine B Parmar is a 46 years old. Her residential address is 322 Hoyt Farm Road, New Canaan, CT 06840. Nilesh S Parmar, are also associated with this address.

Christine B Parmar Phone Number

Persons Associated with Address 322 Hoyt Farm Road, New Canaan, CT

Persons With the Same Parmar Surname

Devina Parmar


(720) 771-6305

Neelam Parmar


(303) 617-4186

Pardeep Kaur Parmar


(720) 394-7898

Parveen Parmar


(720) 870-2008

FAQ About Christine B Parmar

How old is Christine B Parmar?

Christine B Parmar is 46 . She was born on Jan 06, 1979.

What is Christine B Parmar’s address?

Christine B Parmar’s address is listed as 322 Hoyt Farm Road, New Canaan , CT 06840, US.

Christine B Parmar Neighbours